Student’s projects


Empowering Change: Insights from the Mind the Gap: Gender Equality in the Early Career roundtable event

“Mind the Gap: Gender Equality in the Early Careers”, hosted by IHECS Academy’s European Public Affairs and Communications (EPAC) master’s class and sponsored by Tipik Communications, brought together subject matter experts Lydia Mutyebele Ngoi, Echevine du Logement, du Patrimoine public et de l’Egalité des chances, Ville de Bruxelles, Annelies Coessens, Gender, Diversity and Migration Officer, Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) Gender Policy, and Jéromine Andolfatto, Policy and Campaigns Officer, European Women’s Lobby.

Read the full article here

Full Event Report in French

Full Event Report in English


EU Event 8th of June 2023: Protagoras Masterclass “The Communication of EU Power: towards a narrative turn”

The Protagoras Masterclass “The Communication of EU Power: towards a narrative turn”, organised by students of the EPAC programme in collaboration with IHECS Academy and Protagoras, was a lively meeting point for experts on EU affairs with the IHECS community and beyond, EU institution officials, students, and all those interested in EU communication. On the 8th of June the participants had the opportunity to meet in Brussels for a hybrid debate (via Twitch) on the global power of the EU through public communication campaigns targeting its citizens.

The event was moderated by Nicolas Baygert, Director of Think-Tank Protagoras, who was joined by esteemed panellists Olivier Le Saëc, Administrator at the EU Parliament and former Political Adviser on External Affairs at the EU Parliament, Camille Gessant, Deputy Editor-in-Chief at Agence Europe, specialist on EU External Affairs and Alvaro Oleart, Postdoctoral Researcher at Cevipol/IEE (ULB). We had the pleasure to welcome around 40 registered participants, both in person and online.

The Masterclass was sponsored by, IHECS and IHECS Academy.

Full report can be find on this link

EU Event 1st of December 2022 Protagoras Masterclass “How Policy Branding is changing EU Communication?”

the Masterclass on “How Policy Branding is changing EU Communication”, organized by the EPAC students of the Executive Master in European Public Affairs and Communication in collaboration with PROTAGORAS. The Masterclass was sponsored by and IHECS Academy.

You can watch the full Masterclass on the link. The pictures of the event can be found on the this link.

The Masterclass was moderated by Nicolas Baygert, Director of PROTAGORAS, and gathered a distinguished panel of EU Affairs experts;

● Ms. Elena Linczenyiova – Director for Content and Policy – ICF Next.

● Mr. Tim McPhie – Spokesperson for Climate Action and Energy – European Commission.

● Mr. Hervé Paques – EU Strategy Director – Ogilvy Social.Lab.

● Mr. Roberto Tomasi – Communication Strategist on the NextGenerationEU campaign – European Commission.

The full report can be find on this link.


EU Event 2nd of June 2022 EU Policy Making : ‘Is the EU’s Migration Policy Crisis Driven?”

The Executive Master EPAC students organised a seminar tackling the current topic of the EU’s Policy Response on Migration.

This seminar aimed to spark a conversation about the approach of case-by-case policy-making with policy-makers and stakeholders. How has EU migration policy evolved from 2015 to today, and what work remains to be done? Examine the requirements and content for an overarching approach to EU migration – what might a common and sustainable approach look like?

 Opening address:

  • Henrik Nielsen, Director for International and Horizontal Affairs, Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission.

Moderator: Dr Luc Leboeuf, Head of Research Group, Department of Law and Anthropology, Max Planck Institute

PANEL 1 – “From Syria to Ukraine – the evolution of EU Migration Policy”

  • José Antonio Moreno Díaz, Rapporteur for the European Economic and Social Committee’s opinion on the New Pact on Migration and Asylum
  • Lucas Rasche, Policy Fellow, Jacques Delors Centre
  • Salvatore Petronella, Independent Migration Specialist
  • Elisabeth Destain, Attorney for the ADDE Asbl – Association pour le droit des étrangers.

PANEL 2 – “The New Pact on Migration and Asylum adopted in 2020 – an operational start?”

  • Cristian Pirvulescu, Co-rapporteur for the European Economic and Social Committee’s opinion on the New Pact on Migration and Asylum
  • Dr Mehari Taddele Maru, Professor, Migration Policy Centre, European University Institute
  • Catherine Woollard, Director of European Council on Refugees and Exiles

Please find the link to the event report 2022


The students worked in groups on two projects: a EU consultancy project or a European event.

EU Policy Project

The group dedicated to consultancy produced three excellent works of proposals around the question: Looking for strategic autonomy: How can the EU ensure its economic, social and environmental horizon while ensuring a level playing field at international level? The students presented their audit report in front of a jury composed of Member from the European Commission, a Think Tanks and the director of the PressClub Brussels.

Find the three policy reports :
Digital Sovereignty: A Wake-Up Call For Europe.

The Race for Electric Vehicles Enhancing the EU strategic autonomy
in Raw Materials

Rethinking EU-India relations Addressing Strategic Dependencies in Pharmaceuticals

EU Event

The group dedicated to the organization of a European event organized a public webinar on June 22, 2021 dedicated to the topic “TACKLING DIGITAL DISPARITIES IN THE EU – PERSPECTIVES AFTER COVID: TOWARDS A MORE DIGITALLY SUSTAINABLE, INCLUSIVE AND EQUAL EUROPE” with the following panel of experts: Mr Moledo, policy coordinator at the European Disability Forum (EDF) (EDF), Mr. Tudorache, European Deputy within the Renew Europe group, Romanian delegation and Mr. Variz attached to Transport and Telecom at the Portuguese Permanent Representation to the European Union. The event was a great success with 60 participants online, the conclusions are available here.